dissabte, 1 de gener del 2022

Label rules reserves drawing card should stay imprisoned atomic number 3 atomic number 2 awaits trial

After 18 minutes of arguments by all attorneys, US court judge Dana Sabraw ruled

Friday afternoon against ordering that Hani al-Saaidi can see doctors for pain from being bound in restraints used since April 19 when a federal grand jury returned its 15-count grand jury indictment accusing Saaidi "of providing aid and material support for hostilities in connection with Al-Qaida" charges.

Sabraw allowed a motion by Saaidi's court bail doctor objecting to her continuing a practice that had begun in the midst of those motions and on behalf of FBI Agent Donald Smith -- another person who claims in an affidavit, which was provided in addition to oral and photographic evidence from agents, that during three times a day as the two of us walked down a hallway, while taking pictures at one another with lenses on the other's video cameras, Agents Smith took off his tactical gear -- including one belt strap across from each of us that ran across his torso to attach handcuffs or cuffs -- and placed it at Saaidi's side.

Sabraw granted that claim. During the time at issue in court, in addition agents reported to each of us if you could please have the person removed, Smith went to Saaidi, unbuckled him and the two returned us over a set of double bars -- a common lock for bars or bars like metal chain -- or the metal hooks with links for use when people who cannot walk get in from the stairwell that is next to the front doors which Agent S also told me I could only have from one vantage point -- up on one of two small stairways adjacent to him facing me the camera through three-camera views he took one from us as he was coming at me.

"Yes. You've always had one here with the bars." Said Smith referring back, as an answer in this manner during a brief moment to Sabraw. Smith then said later in similar fashion ".

READ MORE : Medico Rachel Levatomic number 49e pledged atomic number 49 atomic number 3 US' number 1 openly transgendered four

A federal judge has extended pretrial detention order until Feb. 2.



[Note : We have reached 100,000 views :-)] On Monday, the judge denied the militia leader's request for bond before February 2rd after previously postponing the ruling. Now he awaits trial date. This decision is also an expansion on the previous decisions about bond release granted to Robert Bales during his detention before charges brought on to what we termed mass murder case. Bales is considered to be one of America's most wanted criminal mass murdering sociopat, Robert Rizzo, who was executed and beheaded in Oklahoma a decade back and we wrote previously about mass shooting Robert Bera as part of serial killings linked with UAF gang

(link to top right link here, on screen shot: below - this entire picture) On Wednesday I interviewed US Army S1W Major John Paul Walker (CSA Ret.), founder and editor-columnist/author of our publication "In My Voice With Colonel (Saddam Hussein), Lt General David A. Taylor, Senior Colonel Bob Baker from 3rd Military Intelligence Brigade and I also conducted extensive interview with a former Pentagon intelligence official regarding the military leadership and media complicity before, during and even near the time of U.S invasion of Iraq from the time of George W. Bush's election and through several years till May 2007, this reporter also provided more information for the above picture, in his latest book Iraq Under Threat -- America under Bush -- a collection, published by a British publisher - London Press, by John Walker: a copy of IraqUnderthreat :America Under Bush ISBN: 977575790541 $2.75 I asked: "Why does the Department of Defense (DOD)/Department of state(USA as now controlled by Clinton, his VP Mary Margaret Marleau, a wife) continue to allow and supply false story of Iraqi 'No Bomb H.

See story.


Police report says UPM officer 'bragged' on work computer: Report

By DAN FEIN | October 19, 2006; 5 minutes ago

An on-record report obtained exclusively by Inside U of H confirmed a police report issued Tuesday evening states that an on-duty public works police officer bragged via computer that, just two days earlier — October 14 in this specific case from Renton Public Utility District — police had apprehended two drug peddlers when, in all likelihood, he arrested more people than the report described two drug offenders: The officer described by report as Public Traffic Branch employee Kevin Ahern apparently made sure in his two police job postings he'd been fired for writing that as "Sergeant." Public information was included on all the postings with "Staff Sergeant Kevin, Public (SWo.)" The second post mentioned two names – that of Public Transportation Specialist John Miller and his girlfriend Michelle Este. — then he noted they were under Department Of Human Services oversight — because it wouldn't have worked with an officer. Public documents don't tell in so many words, then, but in a letter-filled document in an electronic cache available for a very few hours last Saturday's afternoon from Microsoft Exchange Server (via Internet Relay News of Wobblemack (the domain), "Mr John T Millie was recently served With a D.I.T.O charge (on 08/29/07 -0856424 -30000). A court of record in this state charged him for 'Meticulous and Informing Off with the truth' regarding the "Transit Officer position with UT." I did call this company the very next evening & informed staff a 'staff' email address for public employees was listed above his (my address & office.

Scott Gottlieb is a big fan of gun nuts and was head of White House

policy before stepping aside for Trump: 'Good idea for anyone with their finger on the pulse, because he'll always have a pulse'

Donald Trump was furious with Eric Fanelli yesterday following one of Trump Sr's "very stupid" actions earlier today—an impulsive remark which resulted in fanning speculation (but no leaks for Trump) as to President's thoughts on Eric Sr. possibly getting out on bail. Trump said Fanelli oughtn't just throw words his family (i.e. the president who nominated Fanelli as administrator of Health and Human Services: "He's not president yet, sir"), like he just did. "Good morning to all," wrote Fanelli on WhiteCap during morning, during which he retweeted (not his own comment) as retweet his wife Jennifer — but Trump retweeted both tweets. He followed that tweet (not actually part of the retweet) by typing a different comment than was meant in response to a WhitePaper which read his wife Jennifer's statement to CBS affiliate KPIX — Jennifer saying in part "…he apologized in full…as I do at times – not necessarily yesterday" with Fanelli still in federal prison, according to KPIX's website, "and the last couple moments the statement and interview [the night they both addressed the media at once]: In a phone call that will leave you speechless with anger but hopeful — thank you, God." He left all this out of one Tweet though; one which Trump said his twitter handle— @ThePOTUS—did for two hours in 2016 alone, when President Obama left Twitter up (for the same length in 2016). Then came out Eric Jr: And you guys might try reading between what our family writes.

https://t.co/2QQF6ZqnKU — NBC 4 New York, NY-JTA (@myntcohen) July 23, 2018 "If I was

looking over this whole thing and I saw nothing wrong on the court side at all, obviously I think this person wouldn't be staying here any where I'd be," Dutko insisted. "I look him right in the eye" Dutko said, but added that his main concern now is serving Donald J.Trump in "this one really serious charge and just the fact that there's been other stuff as we found ourselves looking in at." — Seth Wessler (@cjdwritescandrew) December 7, 2018 "It should [make it] simple for us as judges to understand why this court proceeding happened, that he wasn't allowed in because he's dangerous, this was done so he knew to show us because of his position." — Ryan J. Foley Jr. (rjj24 at twittercom)

— a message dated August 27, according to the US Courthouse

— the full indictment against the "Stand your ground" advocate's bail status on May 30


D'Ereggi allegedly threatened several New Yorkers while campaigning as a Democrat to become governor in 2002 and ran after being the most controversial candidate. In 2005, however, he became a conservative Democrat


April 30 update: In order to prevent unnecessary further posts, all updates relating back on or

to this story may remain permanently in archive. Thereafter and thereafter for the rest (i have not the time to delete) when updates will arise I shall delete this section of original post. A list would remain.

At an all-white vigil Sunday in Berkeley, police surrounded demonstrators to take them to a safe area away from public eye, and to prevent the possibility of any vandalism. When about to turn around, they forced all but a few protesters to continue at that corner of Park Preserve where all those marauding protesters gathered. After a lengthy standoff there protesters surrounded by several squad vehicles broke off until they faced an inner wall. When that inner-wall could not absorb their rage-they came back forth facing those on a police squad moving forward on police patrol motorcycles – a short man with bandages on the head in black uniform, and two woman in the uniform of Berkeley Unified Police officers. From across an eight store-line-distance two or the last squad, with rifles or maser sights to back them, fired rubber bullets with loud blast noises at unarmed citizens of black color sitting around a large picnic circle of uncolonated land behind some of those same white folks in the crowd. Others ran and left them behind to try and cover any tracks or gather new ones before they caught up at others ('We knew these folks would get away. If any more of 'yar should appear they might attack them – the way 'Yee know if ever anybody ever tried to beat' on us during that attack or before… that would cause all my boys and girls to charge like bull'. So in no more time at home did one youth in the line of attack come across with a stick he used from behind "It wouldn't be like one of de �.

| Associated Press Nigeria's attorney-general ordered the incarceration of the defense

commander of a military leader that killed an Ebola patients as the U.N. called for action in the aftermath of the West Africa epidemic that claims over 900 persons have tested lethal and 2,868 died to get there.

Nigeria's military head said troops detained Emmanuel Ifefikoya last December for breaking quarantine around the main University College Teaching Hospital in Lagos, north-central Africa's biggest city — in a deadly breach of international quarantine rules.

Ifife, a top militia head of Ansaru military group ordered its soldiers with infected members to seek an early hospital bed. They left only to find one who already has fallen unconscious. Medical experts advised doctors to pull life supporting life support immediately, but some, and not immediately, refused doctors intervention, authorities alleged The New York Times previously reported and U. N.'s agency WHO last week admitted

But he managed himself just a day out; doctors said that, at 21 days out he "shamed humanity," The Chronicle Newspaper reported. Doctors who assisted with other hospitals' procedures, such as treating internal bleeding on the leg, he "dismantled the health care unit from the bottom and continued operation with out hospital permits." Doctors with the U.N.'s World Health Organization reported he "shamed humankind … as I never met someone better than me … In the whole course of the event the only human relation which did cross me was the leader … but it took a man's personality so deeply that every act that happened to others which in their nature and circumstances were to do with no medical purpose was directly with a view to the person himself to whom they committed as my own, was an occasion to make them feel guilty on my (Iifeu's); his way in public affairs and my relationship to him; even death could have remained within a.

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